Photography has been portraying and narrating reality for almost two centuries. It is starting from this premise that History & Photography was born in 2011, a project that aims to:
narrate the history of contemporary societies through photography, exalting both the documentary function of the images and their aesthetic and artistic value;
introduce and promote at the same time the history of the art of photography (and in particular photojournalism) from its origins to the present day;
enhance and make accessible to the general public and especially to the youngest - with exhibitions, photo-projections and editorial initiatives - the Italian and foreign historical photographic archives, private and public, which often, although retaining considerable iconographic treasures, are unknown even to the professionals of the sector;
proposing Photography as an innovative support to the teaching of History within Schools and Universities both through traditional methods (exhibitions, guided tours and video projections) and via internet - in fact, in a perspective of a more and more increasingly connected, digital and multimedia education, History & Photography project proposes selections of photos already structured in a historical path of at least 40 images, viewable by professors with a manual slide show during classroom lessons thanks to a simple internet connection to a reserved link and a password
Creators, curators and producers of the project are Alessandro Luigi Perna and Eff&Ci – Facciamo Cose of Federica Candela.
It is the cultural center "la Casa di Vetro" in Milan which hosts many of the History & Photography project initiatives, when they are not held in external locations.
background photo of the page © Courtesy NARA - National Archives Record Administration